Arrell, David

David Arrell

Polarity Certifications: PACT™ Foundations & Professional Applications, Colorado Springs, CO. USA 

David Arrell is an Author, Entrepreneur, Consultant, and Men’s Coach currently living in Colorado Springs, CO. He is passionate about coaching men on how to more fully embrace and embody healthy masculinity, especially through the powerful modalities of partnership and parenting.

His most recent work in this area is the book Welcome To Fatherhood: The Modern Man's Guide to Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Fatherhood, better known as WTF. In WTF David encourages men to more actively step into their important supportive roles during pregnancy, childbirth, and the 4th trimester back home and gives them detailed and practical tips and techniques on how to do so.

In addition to coaching specifically tied to WTF, David enjoys working with entrepreneurs, small groups, and developmentally dedicated organizations (DDOs) seeking more traction in reaching their goals.

Introduce Me to David


Arnold, Tim


Applegate, Beth