Applegate, Beth

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Beth Applegate

Polarity Certifications: Mastery
Bloomington, IN USA

Authorship in And: Volume Two – Applications:
Chapter 1: “Reimagine Equity and Justice Through a Polarity Lens”
Chapter 5: “Support And Challenge – for You and Me”

Beth, (she/they) is the founder of Applegate Consulting Group (ACG), a woman-owned OD practice with three decades of experience with national and international not-for-profit organizations, academic institutions, and governmental agencies. Beth has served in the roles of Executive Director, Board President, National Field Director, and Germany-wide Women's Outreach Director. 

Beth is known as an insightful, forthright, and compassionate person who holds a deep commitment to racial equity and liberation. She approaches her work and life with a sense of inquiry, possibility, and purpose. As an organization development (OD) and organizational equity and inclusion (OEI) practitioner, coach, and facilitator, Beth upholds the idea of multiple realities, and facilitates processes for client systems to examine power, privilege, and dominant cultural norms in order to operationalize the organizational core values into day to day practices.

Beth is one of 700 certified Brené Brown Dare to Lead™ (DTL) facilitators licensed to offer the DTL programming to clients and the public. Beth is a member of the national Catalyst-Ed's diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) Expert Hub, is a certified Enneagram practitioner, a certified Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) administrator, and serves as faculty for National Training Institute (NTL) Human Interaction Labs.

Beth is an active contributor to the field of applied behavioral science. She has authored numerous articles for academic journals and book chapters. Beth's newest publication will appear in a forthcoming “Special Edition on Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (JEDI)” issue of the Organization Development Network (ODN). 

Beth is a mixed media artist, quilter, gardener and loves to dance. She currently lives in Bloomington, Indiana, with her life-partner Trish and their rescue cat, Brice.


Arrell, David


Bailey, elan