Ch’ng, Joseph

Joseph Ch’ng

Polarity Certifications: PACT™ Foundations & Professional Applications Singapore

Joseph is an Executive Coach and Trainer at Mind Transformations Singapore. His aspiration is to enable people to find their innate peace and resourcefulness. 

Possessing a combined experience in technology and people development, Joseph works with leaders and executives to navigate VUCA and enhance their leadership capacity. He offers 10 years of experience in coaching, facilitation and training design that promote Insights And Transformation. 

Joseph is a co-developer and trainer of Coaching Micro Skills and the Neuro-Linguistic Enneagram (NLE). He dedicates himself to the practice of multiple disciplines such as Multi-Intelligence NLP, Systems Thinking, Polarity Thinking, Agile and spiritual philosophies. 

Introduce Me to Joseph


Cary, Margaret


Chambers, Michelle