Buchmann, Michael


Michael Buchmann

Polarity Certifications: PACT™ Foundations & Professional Applications Kiedrich, Germany

Michael helps international teams acknowledge and interlink their diverse and unique cultures, practices and strengths to strategic synergies. His life’s mission has been international understanding and cooperation, from international development to global project management, international leadership development and intercultural management, as researcher, team leader, trainer and consultant.

Michael is both humbled by and grateful to outstanding leaders he learned from personally: Gert Hofstede (Intercultural Management), Edvin Nevis (International Organization and System Development ) and Barry Johnson (Polarity Management). German by birth, he also lived and worked in Great Britain, Thailand and Sri Lanka, with assignments in 40+ countries worldwide.

His three daughters also go their international way (+), in far-away countries (-), sometimes experienced as ‘upside results’ and ‘downside results’.

Introduce Me to Michael


Brothers, Chalmers


Burr, Lindsay