Breyley Parker, Sally


Sally Breyley Parker

Polarity Certifications: Mastery
Cincinnati, OH USA

Authorship in And: Volume Two – Applications:
Chapter 35: ”Polarities Are Generative Tensions at the Heart of Organization Evolution: A Living Systems Approach to Creating Conditions for Flourishing”

Sally Breyley Parker is co-founder of TimeZero Enterprises, an organization strategy, design, and development consultancy. She works with leaders, teams, and organizations to unleash their life force as living systems – naturally innovative, productive, profitable, and healthy. She believes that all organizations are capable of flourishing when certain conditions are present - and that creating those conditions is our most crucial work.

Sally has worked with organizations in all sectors, helping them envision new futures and develop the strategies and designs to accomplish those futures. Her passion is social process innovations that release the authentic power of the human spirit. The outcomes are inventive strategies, innovative designs, and transformed businesses grounded in a deep sense of purpose.

Sally has led numerous transformation efforts for organizations in all sectors to improve performance, culture, and wellbeing. She speaks and teaches globally on Flourishing Living Systems. She has presented at the Academy of Management, European Organization Design Forum (United Kingdom), Organization Design Forum, Creativity and Innovation in Management (Barcelona, Spain), Global Appreciative Inquiry (Johannesburg, South Africa), and a series of Designing Organizations for Sustainability Conferences in the US, Sweden, and Italy. She has authored articles and chapters on living systems, sustainability, and polarity management.

She holds master certifications in Polarity Thinking™, Advanced Strategic Organization Design, Theory U, and Biomimicry. Sally has a BA in Interior Design, a BS in Cultural Anthropology, and an MA in Cultural Anthropology (coursework) from Kent State University.


Boey, Michael


Brothers, Chalmers