Conte, Allison


Allison Conte

Polarity Certifications: Mastery
Boulder, CO USA

Authorship in And: Volume Two – Applications:
Chapter 28: ”Sacred Union of Masculine And Feminine Principles: Applying the Master Polarity to Leadership and Culture”

Allison is a leadership instructor, thought leader, consultant, executive coach, facilitator, author, speaker – and priestess. She spent 25 years consulting to global, large and mid-sized organizations while also cultivating deep personal and spiritual mastery. Her embodied integration of the “outer” and “inner” work of leadership is invaluable to clients who seek to generate sustainable results for all stakeholders and for the planet.

Allison currently facilitates leadership development programs at Harvard Business Publishing and the founder of Sophia Leadership, which provides a blend of leadership development and spiritual development for women women change-makers around the world. Sophia Leadership aims to shift the culture toward more balance between the Masculine and Feminine principles, and help women create deeper impact with more alignment and joy.

In addition to teaching leadership, she has trained hundreds of coaches and consultants in Gestalt coaching (an ICF-certified program), Polarity Management, advanced facilitation skills, and relational leadership skills.


Coleman, Dawn


Cunningham, Peter